Pizza Dough


30 Minutes + Proofing

Serves 4


500g of white bread flour

100g of ground semolina

½ teaspoon of salt

7g sachet of yeast

½ tbsp of caster sugar

2 tbsp olive oil


500g passata (sieved tomatoes)

Mozzarella (grated or drained mozzarella balls)

Fresh Basil


Step 1.

Sieve your flour and salt onto a clean surface and create a little dip in the middle.

Step 2.

In a jug, mix your yeast sugar and oil adding 650ml of lukewarm water, then leave this for a few minutes.

Step 3.

Pour your mixture into your flour well.

Step 4.

Using a fork, slowly bring in the flour from the edges and swirl into the liquid, keep mixing until it has all come together.

Step 5.

Dust your hands with some flour and knead until you have a nice smooth mixture.

Step 6.

Now place your dough in a bowl and cover with a damp tea towel and place in a warm room for about an hour (your dough should have doubled in size).

Step 7.

Now remove from the bowl and dust a surface, then knock the dough about to push the air out with your hands before splitting into quarters and rolling to make your base.

Step 8.

We keep ours simple so to create a margarita, simply cover your base with a passata base and sprinkle grated or fresh mozzarella over the top and cook in a pre-heated oven set at 180˚C for 8 minutes.